will lend 20 mln. Eur through Invega's projects


BnP Finance

Alternative financing company UAB BnP Finance has signed the agreement with UAB Investicijų ir verslo garantijos (Invega). The company’s brand starts with two Invega projects with a total lending of 20 mln. Eur.

According to Markas Krasovskis, Head of BnP Finance, financial support for a small and medium-sized companies is currently vital. When BnP Finance noticed that Invega has launched projects to help businesses affected by COVID-19, the company decided to join and support Lithuanian businesses.

The first loan project with Invega is “Loans to the most affected businesses by COVID-19”. The project provides loans without any loan collateral up to 1 million. Eur. One of the biggest advantages of this project is the fixed interest rate, which reaches 0.1% for loans up to 12 months and 0.19% from 13 months up to 36 months of the borrowing amount. BnP Finance also do not apply any loan security measures and the loan repayment period is postponing for 6 months. The loan application can be submitted until July 31. second project with Invega is “Alternative”. The project is designed to provide companies with the opportunity to receive a loan of up to 200.000 Eur. The loan term is up to 24 months, interest rate is from 7%. The loan application can be submitted until December 31. Also, in cooperation with BnP Finance, companies will have possibility to get back up to 95% of paid interest. In order to get compensation, business should apply to Invega after loan issuance. suggest to find a way to improve companies financial situation. Both Invega projects offer access to loans on very good terms. 10 years in credits and 5 years at business credits market has allowed BnP Finance to create perfect loan lending processes, which can guarantee customers a quick response and loan issuance time.